explode_php explode

php $str = 'one,two,three,four'; // 零 limit print_r(explode(',',$str,0)); // 正的 limit print_r(explode(',',$str,2)); // 负的 limit print_r(explode(',',$str,-1)); ? 运行实例 W3School 简体中文版

The enemy exploded the bridge 沙发床 去看看 进口食品加盟 去看看 网店转让平台 去看看 北大青鸟 去看看 苏州房产网 去看看 专业翻译 去看看 一涂一抹,头发不掉翻倍生长 实

PHP explode() 函数 PHP String参考手册实例把字符串打散为数组: [mycode3 type='php'] [/mycode3]运行实例 »定义和用法 explode()函数使用一个字符串分割另一个字符串,并

v. [ɪk'spləʊd] ( explodes; exploded; exploding ) 双解释义 vt. & vi. 1.(使)爆炸 (cause to) burst open dangerously, with a very loud noise vi. 2.爆发,突发,发怒 burst out; show violen

PHP explode() 字符串分割为数组函数 PHP String参考手册实例用自定义分隔符把字符串分割为数组: ?php $str = Hello world w3cschool ; print_r(explode( _来自PHP教程,w3csc

2. In four days the plants explode into leaf and flower. 四天之内所有的植物都爆发出枝叶和花朵。 3. If no ship is in its path, after a while the torpedo will explode. 如果没有船在它


简介:explode() 函数把字符串分割为数组。本函数返回由字符串组成的数组,其中的每个元素都是由 separator 作为边




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Festivals ready to explode[2]- Chinadaily.com.c

Festivals ready to explode[2]- Chinadaily.com.c

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Fireworks explode around the London Eye whe

Fireworks explode around the London Eye whe

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Fireworks explode around the London Eye whe

Fireworks explode around the London Eye whe

800x1098 - 296KB - JPEG

Explode the Code 1:亚马逊:图书

Explode the Code 1:亚马逊:图书

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New Year Fireworks event around the world

New Year Fireworks event around the world

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Five bombs explode in Indian capital, 20 killed

Five bombs explode in Indian capital, 20 killed

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onal Pillow Fight Day 2012: 115 cities explode

onal Pillow Fight Day 2012: 115 cities explode

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Summer Davos concludes in northeast China

Summer Davos concludes in northeast China

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两性情感:失恋了怎么办?六帖 维他命 解痛苦

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Klasky csupo made bnd explode, BUT SCRAT

Klasky csupo made bnd explode, BUT SCRAT

480x360 - 31KB - PNG

Explode the Code 1(Pap)简介,Explode the Cod

Explode the Code 1(Pap)简介,Explode the Cod

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Shower 'possibly' to hit Beijing on August 8: offi

Shower 'possibly' to hit Beijing on August 8: offi

404x275 - 38KB - JPEG

Fireworks explode around the London Eye whe

Fireworks explode around the London Eye whe

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