
楚皇城遗址,site of Chu Palace,音标,读音,翻译,

楚皇城遗址,site of Chu Palace,音标,读音,翻译,

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总建筑师,Architect-in-chief in imperial palace,音

总建筑师,Architect-in-chief in imperial palace,音

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秦汉萯阳宫地望考,On the Location of Palace B

秦汉萯阳宫地望考,On the Location of Palace B

300x211 - 16KB - JPEG

大明宫,Daming Palace,音标,读音,翻译,英文例句

大明宫,Daming Palace,音标,读音,翻译,英文例句

333x196 - 29KB - JPEG

d for a trainee butler for Buckingham Palace wi

d for a trainee butler for Buckingham Palace wi

634x423 - 70KB - JPEG

白金汉宫,Buckingham Palace,England,音标,读

白金汉宫,Buckingham Palace,England,音标,读

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企划、Diamond Supply Co. 新系列、Palace 开

企划、Diamond Supply Co. 新系列、Palace 开

600x399 - 16KB - JPEG

企划、Diamond Supply Co. 新系列、Palace 开

企划、Diamond Supply Co. 新系列、Palace 开

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雍和宫法轮殿,Falun palace in Lama Temple,音

雍和宫法轮殿,Falun palace in Lama Temple,音

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王室范儿装不出来 读懂英国再说优雅 - 今日头

王室范儿装不出来 读懂英国再说优雅 - 今日头

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oyal Family Appears On Buckingham Palace B

oyal Family Appears On Buckingham Palace B

450x322 - 49KB - JPEG

【Potala Palace Tibet摄影图片】风光旅游摄影

【Potala Palace Tibet摄影图片】风光旅游摄影

900x600 - 193KB - JPEG

芮城永乐宫,Yongle Palace in Rui City,音标,读音

芮城永乐宫,Yongle Palace in Rui City,音标,读音

300x193 - 28KB - JPEG

简介:palace是指皇宫,宫殿。palace发音KK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 皇宫,宫殿例句The Queen of England lives in Buckingha

palace 英 [pæləs] 美 [pælɪs] n. 宫,宫殿;(主教)邸宅,宏伟大厦;华丽的娱乐场所 宫殿; 宫; 派力司织物; 皇宫 复数:palaces 可数名词宫殿;王宫;皇宫 A palace is a very large impressive house, especially one which is the official home of a king, queen, or president. in names after nBuckingham Palace 白金汉宫 They entered the palace courtyard. 他们进入了宫殿庭院。 2. 单数名词王室 When the members of a royal palace make an announcement through an official spokesperson, they can be referred to as the Palace . The Palace will not comment on questions about the famil

Among them I detailedly talk about the scale of the Imperial Palace, the Great Ming Palace and Xingqing Palace and their afforestation. 其中皇家园林绿化以具有代表性的禁苑、

英文原文: buckingham palace 英式音标: [bȌkɪŋhm] [ˈplɪs] 美式音标: [bȌkɪŋhm] [ˈpləs]

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