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So, office jargon: the 19 worst offenders in man

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a person who has done sth wrong or against the law;|| a person or thing responsible for causing a problem e.g. The police quickly identified the real culprits. The main culprit in t

cul·prit | \ ˈkəl-prət , -ˌprit\ Definition of culprit : one accused of or charged with a crime The culprit pleaded not guilty. : one guilty of a crime or a fault The culprit expressed re

What causes headaches? . finger: 指出,这里是指责 culprit:罪人,元凶 Sinus:穴. 夏威夷旅游 去看看 十元店加盟 去看看 logo设计 去看看 策划公司 去看看 油漆十大品牌 去看看 小

culprit 肇事者.只要做了错事的人都算 criminal 犯罪分子.这个词最常见,且能作定语,如criminal law刑法 perpetrator 施暴者;犯下罪行者.这个词是正式用语,往往指犯了滔天罪行的

I am in the middle of writing a script to find the culprit who added a particular line of code in ClearCase. I am using annotate command for this. cleartool annotate -all -fmt %Ad %-8

culprit: [17] Culprit appears to be a fossilized survival of the mixture of English and French once used in English courts. The usually accepted account of its origin is that it is a lexic

culprit-features Favourites Wet ground Minas Gerais Brazil ricardomassucatto Karelias Smokestack 2 scottjamesprebble Kaos Theory moodSwing08 Almost home . MOSREDN

deadculprit Featured By Owner Awww thank you sooo much! ! Yeah, no internet means no meaning to life hahaha Thanks again! LostInAPhotograph Featured By Owner Jul 24, 2

