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Mrs. botton was perhaps rather shy and suspicious about these advances; but mr. pen's goodhumour was inexhaustible inexaustible . 包尔顿太太也许有些受宠若惊,对这些友好的

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Asked if he wanted to apologise to Crain for his comments, de Botton said he would do so because it does not cost me anything but continued to criticise the New York Times rev

简介:Botton: 栈底英 ['bɒtən]美 ['bɑtən]pStack-botton=NULL; //改变栈底 return eleChess; //返回出栈的元素

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botton 翻译:栈底 银扣 吊坠 双语例句: 1. Success is how high you bounce when you hit botton. 成功就是在你跌落谷底后,能够再次回弹的高度. 2. The more left - field De Botton's musings, the more Colbert found them inspiring. 波顿的冥想越离奇,科尔伯特就发现它们越有启迪. 3. Keep cool, don't push the panic botton! 冷静, 不要惊慌失措! 4. We will have tea with Alain de Botton, writer, philosopher and himself a new father. 这次,我们与阿兰·德波顿共进下午茶.他是一位作家 、 哲学家,同时他也初为人父.

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阿兰·德波顿(Alain de Botton),英伦才子型作家,生于1969年,毕业于剑桥大学,现住伦敦。他通晓英、法、德、西班牙数种语言,深得欧洲人文传统之精髓德波顿是从1993年开始

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